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Crime and Spy Jazz on Screen 1950-1970: A History and Discography by Derrick Bang (2020)

The period of American sound film until roughly the mid-1940s was dominated by soundtracks and extradiegetic audio based on mostly sweet string orchestras, allusions to classical compositions and ballads. Then, in the 1950s and 60s, soundtrack composers increasingly used popular music of the decade before for police/detective/spy action productions, which would be in large part […]

The Rise and Fall of American Science Fiction, from the 1920s to the 1960s by Gary Westfahl (2019)

Even though a title such as “The Rise and Fall” usually has readers prepared for a large, heavy volume that will provide audiences with loads of information amassed in a mostly boring manner, Westfahl’s book on a literary genre differs from that stereotype. In fact, the four major parts (and a short epilogue) read very […]

I’d Fight the World: A Political History of Old-Time, Hillbilly, and Country Music by Peter La Chape

American political campaigns without music or shows would be an impossibility today. Speaking about the 20th century, neither marching band tunes, nor folk songs or hymns were the musical style employed most by political representatives running for office, but country music, as author La Chapelle proves. He finds many more details of this particular relationship […]

Teenage Thunder – A Front Row Look at the 1950s Teenpics by Mark Thomas McGee (2020)

The teenager, not present in the immediate post-war years, in the early 1950s suddenly became a financial force and a very visible part of American culture. That also meant clueless parents, disgusted older generations and horrified school teachers, as teenage delinquency and violence ostensibly exploded in the mid-fifties. It did not take long before movie […]

Robots in American Popular Culture by Steve Carper (2019)

The idea of building, commanding and using artificial creatures, based on mechanical components that would assist mankind doing anything from work, transportation or pleasure goes back to very early stories of creation such as the Gilgamesh epic. And mythology from ancient Greece and other regions. That idea also demonstrates man’s wish to become the creator […]

Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey & A Clockwork Orange. Book & DVD Sets by Alison Castle (ed.)

Two new books in Taschen‘s Making of a Masterpiece series go into detail on Stanley Kubrick‘s A Clockwork Orange and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Edited by Alison Castle, who has published books on film, design and photography for many years in an excellent manner, the beautiful and richly pictured editions reveal many facts and maybe […]

Star Attractions: Twentieth-Century Movie Magazines and Global Fandom by T. J. Mcdonald and L. Lanck...

Ever since motion pictures became a crucial part of popular culture, certain consumers decided that simply watching those products and going to the theaters was not enough. Accordingly, editors of the earliest movie magazines quickly realized that gossip, behind-the-scenes talk and all sorts or rumors surrounding those new media stars obviously were  at least as […]